Diamond Brothers Transport has been operating for close to 70 years, with its fleet heading all over Australia.
The South Central Truck & Bus team have proudly worked with Kym McDermid, Diamond Brothers Transport CEO for over 15 years to ensure their fleet is up to any task.
Given the vast distances travelled, the fuel efficiency gains being achieved by the latest additions to the fleet have certainly impressed.
Based in Adelaide, Diamond Brothers’ early history was centred around car carrying, but it has evolved into a dedicated interstate general carrier with a keen eye on customer service and operational efficiencies.
The Diamond Brothers fleet services all east coast capitals as well as Perth, in predominantly B-double and B-triple applications and in recent years more and more Mack Trucks have been welcomed into the fleet.
Watch the video below to find out why Diamond Brothers choose Mack Trucks and the difference the Mack Anthem is making to their fleet.
Kym is a keen supporter of the bulldog brand, “Mack in Australia has an incredible amount of history, I was brought up with massive Macks carrying Buntine road trains all over Australia.”
However, McDermid says it’s the new generation of Mack Trucks that have really impressed with their efficiency and performance.
“With over 50 years of Mack being made here in Australia, we have the Anthem that is a new generation, not only does it look fantastic it does the job too,” he said.
Diamond Brothers already has a couple of Mack Anthems on linehaul work, with a few more on order.
“We have better fuel economy with the Anthem. Fuel efficiency is important for two reasons, one is obviously the cost of fuel and you want to keep your costs down as much as you can. But it’s also about your carbon footprint as well, so that’s been good for us also,” McDermid added.

While the bottom line is important, a driver’s perspective is also just as vital.
Long term Diamond Brothers driver, Andy Price, is fan of the Mack Anthem too, “I’ve been in the Anthem for over a year now. I find I’m actually less fatigued than I would if I was driving a more conventional truck,” he said.
“With the eight-airbag system on the rear and the parabolic leaf spring suspension up the front, the ride in the Anthem is incredible. A lot of trucks would kick and buck like you were riding a horse but the Anthem is a lot smoother to drive.
“I’ve noticed it’s a lot friendlier truck, you’ve got the space, you don’t feel like you’re squashed, the Anthem seems to be just more driver friendly.
“As a linehaul driver I do spend a lot more time on the road than I do in my own bed, the Anthem has got the comfort, it’s got a nice bedroom, nice comfortable seats and it’s got the space, it’s a good truck to be out on the road and away from home in. I think the Anthem is going to be a game changer,” says Andy

Thank you to Kym and the Diamond Brothers Transport team for their ongoing support of South Central Truck & Bus and Mack Trucks Australia. We look forward to working with you well into the future and delivering more impressive Mack Anthems!